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ADULT CIRCUS CLASS: Beginner Sling & Silks/HARTFORD – (4-wks)

This 4-week series is designed for students new to aerial acrobatics. In this series, discover the differences and similarities between aerial silks and aerial sling/hammock. You will learn base positions, basic wraps, poses, climbs, many progressions, proper body alignment, correct aerial technique, and a few short sequences. Our beginning silks curriculum is full of beautiful poses and hidden conditioning that will build endurance and allow you to experience the joy and grace of aerial dancing.

Please take note: this class is NOT an aerial yoga class. While there is some crossover between circus-style classes and aerial yoga, the practices are very different. Aerial yoga is offered on Saturday mornings at 9:30 am in the Hartford studio. Anyone can join the Saturday morning aerial yoga class without prior experience. To read more about the differences between the two class styles check out this excellent article Beyond Flips and Tricks

Class dates: 2/5, 2/12, 2/19, 2/26/25*

Pre-Requisite: None, come fly with us. This class is appropriate for all levels of experience. Age 16 and up. Taking this class 2-3 times before moving into Level-Up sling classes is recommended. Your instructor will determine readiness to advance to the next level.

*If you need to miss one night of the series we can pro-rate the series for you or offer a complimentary aerial yoga class to make up the missed class.

Date: Wednesday, Feb. 5 - Wednesday, Feb. 26

Time: 6:00 pm - 7:00 pm

Spaces remaining for booking: 0

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